Frequently asked question


What services does Peng Global Holding provide?

Peng Global Holding provides international brand representation, execution of public and private contracts, and import/export and market analysis.

What services does Peng Global Holding provide?

Peng Global Holding provides international brand representation, execution of public and private contracts, and import/export and market analysis.

Does Peng Global Holding have experience in the Central African region?

Yes, Peng Global Holding has extensive experience in the Central African region to help businesses with their operations and maximize growth opportunities.

How does Peng Global Holding help companies expand their brand?

Peng Global Holding can perform analyses to identify potential markets for expansion and also help develop strategic plans to successfully enter those markets.

Get in touch

Sales: +237 670 87 87 30
General: +237 683 14 81 81


Bonamoussadi P.O.Box 213 Douala, Cameroon

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